Enjoying St. Paddy's Day, the Sensible Way

Enjoying St. Paddy's Day, the Sensible Way

St. Paddy's Day is coming soon, and it's probably about time to start making plans for how you intend to celebrate. With a holiday that's notorious for outlandish forms of revelry, we thought we'd suggest a sensible approach to having a good time. Besides, there aren't many nationally recognized holidays that give the nod to drinking copious amounts of beer and whiskey, so it's easy to get carried away.

As a company that promotes being sensible humans, it's important to us that we discuss what that means beyond choosing all-natural and ethically sourced grooming products.

Sensibility is nothing less than taking responsibility for our place in the world and making decisions that don't end in regret. If we're going to take a sensible approach to life, it's essential that we don't disassociate ourselves from the impact our choices have on our lives and the lives of others. Much of what it means to be a sensible human is considering the elementary principle of cause and effect. It's about pursuing quality in life without compromising.

So how can we enjoy St. Paddy's Day without waking up with our noses in a shallow puddle of personal regret that vaguely resembles what we drank and ate from the night before? We're glad you asked!

Plain and simple, we don't regret good decisions. Here are a few choices you can make to ensure you enjoy St. Paddy's Day sensibly.

Make a Plan for Transportation

If you are going out to drink, make a plan for the trip home. If you aren't planning to be the designated driver, make sure someone is. Or you can always use a car service like Uber or Lyft. No matter what, make sure you don't get behind the wheel of a vehicle if you've had too much to drink. Creating a plan to get home safely is the sensible thing to do. 

Set a Spending Limit for Yourself

Take cash for drinks. Leave your debit/credit card at home. It becomes virtually impossible to wake up the next morning and think to yourself, "How in the HELL did I spend $147.96 on drinks last night!?!"

Stay Hydrated and Eat Well

Make sure you drink lots of water and keep food in your stomach. You'd think this is a no-brainer, but it's pretty easy to forget when the music is loud, the company is good, and the green beer is flowing.

Don't Be "That Person"

You know who we're talking about, don't you? That person that has completely disregarded the presence and preferences of others and has consigned themselves to being a belligerent fool? On St. Paddy's Day, this is most often the person that has stumbled on top of a table, turned their jacket into a kilt, and is brazenly resolved to perform an Irish jig of some sort. There's certainly nothing wrong with dancing. It only becomes problematic when no one else is remotely interested in paying attention to the performance of the party animal that escaped from the circus. Have a few drinks and have a good time. Don't ruin it for everyone else.

Keep the Irish Car Bombs to a Minimum

We're not talking about homemade explosive devices. We're talking about that dangerous mix of Irish Cream Liqueur, Irish Whiskey, and Stout Beer. If you've never had one, give it a try this year. But remember to keep it to a minimum!

Make Sure You Listen to Good Music

Music (in all forms) is always a necessity for a good party, but nothing sets the mood for a good time on St. Paddy's Day like Irish folk/punk bands. We suggest the Dropkick Murphy's, Flogging Molly, the Pogues, and the Tossers as a good starting point!

Don't Forget to Look and Smell Your Best

Make sure you walk out the door groomed and styled well. You didn't think we were going to suggest making sensible decisions without offering to help, did you? We've got a well-rounded line of all-natural products that can get the job done.

We recently released a limited edition St. Paddy's Day Body Wash. You can try your luck by purchasing a bottle, and you'll be entered to win a year's supply of Body Wash of your choice!


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